Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Review: Jackson Reece Herbal Baby Wipes

What a busy few weeks. Having dealt with birthday parties, sickness bugs, infections, a teething baby and a toddler who has well and truly hit the terrible twos, I have to admit, I am near breaking point! You know things are tough when whilst making the children's dinner, you find yourself sniffing the wine bottle, longing for the moment when all four little darlings are tucked up asleep in bed and you can go back to fooling yourself how easy it is rearing four small children!
I have been slacking recently, having recovered from the sickness but I was less than delighted to discover that the 2 smallest children now had the other end of the bargain. Literally. Rather than 'ruin' my beautiful cloth nappies with the constant stream of poo coming from each child (yes, I am fully aware that they are there to poo in, however, I just couldn't bring myself to see my prettiest, softest nappies abused in such a way, ask any true cloth addict, they will agree!) I opted to use my supply of Bumgenius Flip nappies with their very well designed biodegradable disposable inserts (review to follow!) so to further save my washing pile (and quite possibly my sanity!) I thought now was a good time to review the Jackson Reece Biodegradable Herbal Baby Wipes.

Being honest, I am quite a fan of cloth wipes, it is easy to throw a pile of wipes in with a nappy wash and further saves on precious bin space -why am I the only one in the street who every week, without fail, has overflowing bins??? But another reason I like cloth wipes so much is that I can make them smell just how I like. Being my usual fussy self, I was yet to find a disposable wipe that had a pleasant fragrance and didn't leave a nasty sticky feeling on the skin. Until now.

Jackson Reece Herbal baby wipes are scented with Organic Tea tree oil, Aloe Vera and Lavender Oil giving a fresh and relaxing smell and as they do not contain any of the usual irritants normally found in baby wipes, they are much kinder to baby skin and there was no redness from use after.
It is a welcome change to see a baby wipes manufacturer making such an effort to help the environment. Jackson Reece are the first baby wipe company to use degradable packaging, joined with the bio-degradable, compostable wipes these are a fantastic alternative for those Eco Mummy's who are not fans of the cloth wipe.

I'm delighted to have found these wipes, I had never enjoyed taking cloth wipes out and about but these provide a fantastic all round friendly alternative and they are now a permanent feature under the buggy, with the added advantage that comes with all packet baby wipes, they are a great source of entertainment for an 8 month old baby in a restaurant!!!

retail around £2.25 per 72 pack


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